Between technological solutions and sobriety, what will our future look like?

Between technological solutions and sobriety, what will our future look like?

Côme Girschig - Sustainability conference

Côme Girschig

Graduate of Sciences Po Paris and Ponts et Chaussées, Côme Girschig was France's representative at the UN World Youth Climate Summit. A committed speaker for several years, he has founded several associations including the Young Ambassadors for the Climate and Trial 5G Europe.


As a result of human activities, many planetary boundaries are being crossed. We are reaching more and more points of no return. The good living conditions of the human species and of several million other species are strongly threatened.

Faced with the ecological, climate and energy crises, we can still act. Several action plans and scenarios are proposed by experts. Globally, two visions of the world confront each other: "technology will save us" or "happy sobriety".

In the first part of the conference, we will discuss the complexity of the environmental and social transition through the 9 planetary limits. We will address the topics of climate and biodiversity with IPCC and IPBES reports. In the second part, we will project ourselves into 2050 France, based on a dozen scientific reports and prospective studies. The scenarios we will develop will be a source of inspiration for you to explore new lifestyles, new governance and new narratives on desirable futures.

About Côme Girshig

Graduate of Sciences Po Paris and Ponts et Chaussées, Côme Girschig was France's representative at the UN World Youth Climate Summit. A committed speaker for several years, he has founded several associations including the Young Ambassadors for the Climate and Trial 5G Europe.