What would an ecofeminist society and economy look like ?

What would an ecofeminist society and economy look like ?

Eva Sadoun

Eva Sadoun is a French entrepreneur, author and activist.


Crises do not affect all of us in the same way. While disasters and crises are collectively shared, it is clear that they impact more severely the most vulnerable individuals, with women at the forefront.

We will talk about ecofeminism, a movement that closely links the fight against climate change to gender inequalities. We will explore how women, particularly affected by climate change, play a crucial and leading role in environmental activism while facing specific challenges.

The conference will begin by exploring the concept of ecofeminism, defining its fundamental principles and highlighting iconic figures such as Vandana Shiva, who have played a key role in establishing and promoting ecofeminism. We will explore various cases where women have taken the lead in developing resilient solutions to climate change. We will emphasize the crucial importance of integrating women into decision-making processes related to climate strategies, as well as in the development of more equitable and inclusive environmental and social policies. All in all, this conference will aim to imagine an ecofeminist society.

This conference aims to raise awareness of the importance of ecofeminism and encourage an understanding of how gender inequalities are exacerbated by climate crises. It also aspires to demonstrate how women, as key agents of change, are essential actors in adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change. The goal is to highlight the connections between social justice and environmental justice and inspire concerted actions for a more equitable and sustainable future.