How to increase the number of women in the technical jobs of the IT space?

How to increase the number of women in the technical jobs of the IT space?

Gender Equality Practical tips IT Male dominated field

Céline Ferré

After a work experience of 28 years, Céline has specialised in training in order to support companies in their digital transformation.


Today, half the world's population is connected to the Internet. Considered as a source of progress and mandatory for facilitating our daily lives, it nevertheless conceals a highly unequal aspect.

The IT and digital technologies sector leaves indeed little room for women, either in the trainings it offers or in the jobs it generates.

This conference will state the inequalities between men and women, attempt to explain them and suggest ways to promote greater inclusion of women in the technical functions of the digital world.

It is structured as follows:

1) Warm up quiz
2) Women in the history of computing
3) The different mechanisms of exclusion
4) Best practices to reverse these trends
5) Conclusion and Q&As